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您现在的位置:首页 > 高考总复习 > 高考知识点 > 高考英语知识点 > 高考英语语法:短文改错分类解析-介词(2)


来源:网络资源 2009-08-11 10:53:13

[标签:语法 高考 英语]


  (1) We must serve for the people heart and soul.

  (2) I followed the man for a while, and saw him enter into the bank.

  (3) Soon the nurse married with my friend Jim.

  (4) I took a great many of photographs in the mountains.

  (5) In English class, we often talk each other in English.

  (6) Don’t talk. What the man says is well worth listening.

  (7) The chair looks hard, but it is comfortable to sit.

  (8) She was very kind and insisted lending her car to us.

  (9) I asked to her what she would be doing on Saturday.

  (10) Are you glad to be going to back to school?

  (11) On his way to home, he met one of his old friends Jack.

  (12) Please close the door at next time you come in.

  (13) Thousands of people go to the seaside in every year.

  (14) We can finish the work either this week or in next week.

  (15) We walked down the stairs instead taking the elevator.

  (16) We could not have heard them because the noise from the river.

  (17) Don’t be angry to me for not having written—I was really too busy.

  (18) I’ve read a lot books about animals.

  (19) He invited us to dinner, which was very kind for him.

  (20) I knew that there was no hope on the moment I saw him.

  (21) Don’t go by plane. It’s a lot of more expensive.

  (22) Except milk and cheese, we all need vegetables.

  (23) On my way back, I called at Mr Smith at his office.


  (1) 去掉 for,serve 表示“为……服务”,是及物动词,后接宾语时无需用介词。

  (2) 去掉 into,enter 表示“进入”时,是及物动词,后接宾语时无需用介词。

  (3) 去掉 with,marry 表示“与……结婚”时,是及物动词,后接宾语时无需用介词。

  (4) 去掉 of,a great many后可直接跟名词,无需用介词。但若其后的名词有the, these, my 等表特指的限定词,则要用介词 of,如 a great many of my friends。

  (5) talk 后加 to,因 talk 为不及物动词。

  (6) listening 后加 to,因what the man says 是 listen to 的逻辑宾语。

  (7) sit 后加 on或 in,因为从逻辑上说就是 sit on/in the chair。

  (8) insisted 后加 on,insist 后可接从句作宾语,但不接名词、代词、动名词等作宾语,遇此情况应用 insist on。

  (9) 去掉 to,因 ask 是及物动词,后接宾语时无需用介词。

  (10) 去掉 back 前的 to,因 back 是副词,其前不用介词。

  (11) 去掉 home 前的 to,因 home 是副词,其前不用介词。

  (12) 去掉 at,因 next time 在此用作连词,意为“下次”。

  (13) 去掉 in,every year 可直接用作状语,其前无需用介词。

  (14) 去掉 in,next week 可直接用作状语,其前无需用介词。

  (15) instead 后加 of,instead of 为复合介词,在此表示“而没有”。

  (16) because 后加 of,因其后接的是名词,而不是句子。

  (17) to 改为 with,要表示“对某人生气”,用 be angry with sb,不用 be angry to sb。

  (18) a lot 后加 of,a lot of 意为“许多”。

  (19) for 改为 of,为 it is very kind of sb 的变体。

  (20) 去掉 on,the moment 在此用作连词,意为“一……就”。

  (21) 去掉 of,a lot 修饰比较级,a lot of 修饰名词。

  (22) Except 改为Besides。比较:except 表示“除……外,不再有”,besides 表示“除……外,还有”。

  (23) at 改为 on。比较:call at 后接某地方,call on 后接某人。



