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来源:高中英语 2023-01-17 13:07:55

  The Year of the Rabbit 兔年

  The Spring Festival Gala 春节联欢晚会

  The Year of the Rabbit is just around the corner, with Chinese New Year arriving on January 22 in 2023.Debuting in 1983, the Spring Festival Gala has been recognized by Guinness World Records as the world's most watched TV program. No matter where you are, join us for the biggest global TV event of the year on January  22 in 2023 and see how China celebrates this important cultural event.


  Watching the CCTV Spring Festival Gala and enjoying a family reunion on Spring Festival Eve are the highlights of the Chinese New Year celebrations and a shared memory for Chinese at home and abroad.The mascot "Rabbit Yuanyuan"

  - The mascot "Rabbit Yuanyuan" -

  2023 Spring Festival Gala official mascot image "Tu Yuanyuan."


  The door is purple and angry, and the rabbit year is a new year.


  The mascot "Rabbit Yuanyuan" is the first Spring Festival Gala mascot IP to complete the original formula through Internet big data analysis. He has a lively cute appearance, big bright eyes, and is extremely aura. The mascot "Rabbit Yuanyuan" not only condenses the preferences and expectations of the entire online audience, but also creatively presents the scientific research achievements and spirit of inquiry of Chinese scientists.


  Along with the "rabbit round circle", there is also the main visual logo of the 2023 Spring Festival Gala. It is frozen from the "rabbit circle" galloping upward posture, the overall design is full of vigorous momentum to embark on a new journey and the strength of the god of abundance and grace, interpreting the meaning and hope of "rushing upward in the year of the rabbit".


  - 2023年兔年的春晚LOGO -

  The official logo for the 2023 Spring Festival Gala

  The official logo for the 2023 Spring Festival Gala was framed from the upward

  jumping posture(姿势)of Tu Yuanyuan,"and it is also an illusion of the Chinese calligraphic cursive(草书的)character"Mao (卯)"


  -  春晚各类节目的英文怎么说? -

  小品 comedy sketch

  相声 cross talk、stand-up comedy、comic dialogue

  双簧 Comedy Duo 、two-man comic show

  杂技 acrobatics

  魔术 magic show

  独唱 solo

  合唱 chorus

  戏曲 Chinese opera

  京剧 Peking Opera

  昆曲 Kunqu Opera

  越剧 Yue Opera

  黄梅戏 Huangmei Opera

  歌舞  song and dance

  朗诵 read aloud with expression、recite、declaim

  压轴戏 grand finale



  Almost every year, the Gala concludes with the same song "Unforgettable Tonight" when all the performers and MCs sing together to close the show. The song starts with "Unforgettable tonight, wherever you are, how far away from home, let's wish our motherland the best."

  The lyrics of the song best illustrate and interpret the Chinese culture: "Home is the smallest state and the state is the biggest home." Despite all the changes in China and around the world, the New Year's Eve and the Spring Festival Galacontinue to be the most enjoyable and meaningful occasions, crystallized in a celebration full of happiness and hope with best New Year wishes for the motherland.










