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您现在的位置:首页 > 高考总复习 > 高考知识点 > 高考英语知识点 > 你不可不知的玫瑰花语(2)


来源:网络来源 2009-08-29 13:01:54


  Yellow roses: friendship, familiar love and domestic happiness, "remember me" , "I am sorry', or "I care."  Pink roses: elegance, gracefulness, refinement, gentility, style and poetic romance but being combined with fun and light-heartedness.

  Light pink roses: admiration, sympathy, gentleness, grace, gladness, joy, friendship and sweetness.

  The combination of red roses and pink roses: strong romance and passion.

  Black roses: a major change in the future.

  Purple roses: enhancement, magnification, opulence, majesty and glory,"I will always love you!"

  Blue roses: fantasies, hoping for miracles, new opportunities and possibilities.

  Orange roses: enthusiasm, desire and fascination, "I am proud of you!"

  Peach roses: desire, anticipation, sincere appreciat的ion and optimism for the future.

  Pale peach roses: symbol of modesty.

  Different quantities -- different meanings

  1 rose: love at first sight,you are the only one

  2 roses: Mutual feelings,a commitment, an engagement or coming marriage

  3 roses: I love you





