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您现在的位置:首页 > 高考资源网 > 高中教案 > 高一英语教案 > 高一英语教案:《Unit 9 科技》优秀教学设计







高一英语教案:《Unit 9 科技》优秀教学设计

来源:网络整理 2018-11-26 18:15:49

高一英语教案:《Unit 9 科技》优秀教学设计

  unit 9 technology

  5th period

  sub topic:  controversy about technology

  focus       using english

  tasks    1. a hi-tech show

  2. talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the cellphones, robots and computers etc.

  3. a survey  a probe into the cause of teenagers’ addiction to cyber café

  teaching aims:  1. to impress the students with the great impact of technology

  2.to use the words and phrases to describe things


  throughout the world, stay in touch with sb., call for help, in case of emergency, have fun, be cool….) to think about the problems caused by technology

  teaching aids:

  a cellphone, pictures of a robot and computer, the multi-media teaching system, etc.

  moral focus: social awareness

  teaching procedures:

  step one   warming up

  enjoy some well-selected mtvs

  comments on the producing of these mtvs and the use of new technology

  step two a hi-tech show

  3. impress the students with the great impact of technology by displaying hi-tech achievements and the great imagination which will bring about new inventions in the future.

  get the groups to show their work

  introduce the hi-tech achievements

  descriptions must come along with the show

  four minutes are given for each group

  4. imagine the future inventions

  step three language input

  future travel : teleportation

  5.read the passage and answer the following questions

  what does teleportation mean?

  how is teleportation different from normal transportation?

  why is it so difficult to teleport human beings?

  do you think teleportation will be realized? give your reasons.

  6.fulfill the exam tasks

  learn the strategy of guessing the meaning of the words in the context. match each word with the best strategy.

  word                       strategy

  teleportation            some words are made up of parts. we can use the meaning of each part to guess the meaning of the word

  photons                we can use words we already know to guess the meaning of words that mean the same or that have the opposite meaning

  apart                some words are explained in the sentence. the explanation is often between commas(,), dashes(----),or brackets( ).

  step four  more tips for reading

  learn to become a smart reader

  see page 63

  step five a science report

  7. listen to a science report from the voa

  8.impress the students with the latest discoveries in technology

  9. comments on the possible negative aspects of technology

  step six talking

  10. modern technology helps us do many of the things we want to do. but technology can also cause problems. what are the advantages and disadvantages of modern technology?

  work together with your partner. write down the advantages and disadvantages of the following inventions.




