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您现在的位置:首页 > 高考资源网 > 高中教案 > 高一英语教案 > 高一英语教案:《The Silver Screen. 搬上银幕》教学设计(二)







高一英语教案:《The Silver Screen. 搬上银幕》教学设计(二)

来源:网络整理 2018-11-26 17:21:50

高一英语教案:《The Silver Screen. 搬上银幕》教学设计(二)

  Teaching aim and requirements (教学目标和要求)

  Goal: In this lesson, students will develop the knowledge of Merly Streep and Keanu Reeves.

  In this lesson, students will practise their skills of interviewing.


  1.In this lesson, students will be able to retell the life of Merly Streep and Keanu Reeves.

  2.In this lesson, students will be able to complete a chart related to the text.

  3.In this lesson, students will be able to act out an interview.

  Emphases of teaching(教学重难点)

  1、 How to make the students be active to express their own ideas.

  2、 How to help the students understand the long sentence in the text.

  Teaching aids(教学手段) Multimedia in English teaching and learning(多媒体手段教学)

  Teaching Procedures(教学过程)

  Material/resources: blackboard, tape-recorder, tape, textbook


  Step 1 Lead in

  1. T: In last lesson, we talked a lot about films. Of course those films are very popular and successful. What does the success of the films bring to actors or actresses?

  (Ss: money, fame, reputation,…and interview)

  2. T: What questions will you ask when interviewing an actor or an actress?

  Ask students to discuss in groups and collect as many questions as possible.

  Step 2 Listening (on P29)

  a. Ask students to look at questions in the listening part, and listen for the general idea and find out the answer to the question: Who are the two speakers?

  b. Ask students to listen for the second time and find out the specific information to the following questions and fill in the blanks.

  1. What do we know about the city where Malcolm grew up?

  It was a small town far from the big city .

  2. What did he want to be when he was a student?

  He wanted to be a teacher .

  3. What was the reason why Malcolm studied law?

  The reason his father wanted him to study law .

  4. When did Malcolm really start his career in the theatre?

  When Malcolm met Fiona, he started his career in the theatre .

  5. Why was the film called The Dream Machine important to Malcolm?

  It was important because he did not have any experience .

  c. Check students’ answers.





