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您现在的位置:首页 > 高考资源网 > 高中教案 > 高一英语教案 > 高一英语教案:《A Volunteer Teacher》教学设计







高一英语教案:《A Volunteer Teacher》教学设计

来源:网络整理 2018-11-26 12:46:05

高一英语教案:《A Volunteer Teacher》教学设计

  Teaching aims:

  To listen for specific facts

  To give opinions about voluntary work

  To talk about future arrangements and intentions, using the Present Simple, the Present Continuous and going to

  Teaching difficulties:

  To listen for specific facts

  Teaching course:

  ⅠWarm up:

  Teacher gives the pictures and map of Inner Mongolia and ask some questions about it.

  Such as: look at the photo. Which part of China do you think of it is from?

  What do you know about this part of China?

  Does Inner Mongolia belong to developed areas?

  Are the living conditions here good? If you graduate from a famous university will you work here as a volunteer?

  Now look at the photo, guess what the girl is doing here?  Is she traveling here?

  What can you say about the girl in the photo? Why does she came here? Now let’s listen the tape.

  Ⅱ Listening

  Do the exercise 3

  Students first read the questions and predict the answers

  Students listen to the tape and check their predictions

  Check answer as a class.

  In order to make students understand the text better, teacher can ask students to answer the following questions

  1.Where is she determined to go?

  2.What is she going to do there?

  3.Why is she going to do so?

  4.Do the parents agree with her? What was their reaction?

  5.Did she give in?

  6.What do think of being volunteers?

  Ⅲ Voice your opinion

  Is it a good idea to do voluntary work? What reasons do people have for doing voluntary work?


  Do the exercise 5

  Students work individually, thinking about the cues and what they are going to do .

  Students read the sentences, decide which words to use , and then complete the sentences.

  Ⅳ Grammar

  Do the exercise 6

  Listen to the interview again. Pay attention to these sentences from the interview. What verb forms are used to talk about the future?

  Guide students to draw the following conclusion:

  present Simple

  present Continuous

  going to + infinitive

  do consolidate exercise7, 8and 9

  explain further grammar:

  Expressing future arrangements and intentions:

  be going to-- to express an intention to do something.

  Present Continuous-- to talk about future events that we have already fixed or arranged.

  Present Simple-- to talk about official events or timetables which we cannot change.

  be going to do 与 be doing 的区别

  be going to do 表示事先经过考虑过,然后计划好将做某事;迹象将发生某事。

  We are going to go climbing this week.

  My sister is going to go to Australia in a week.

  It is going to snow.

  be doing 指立刻决定的计划,没有经过一段时间 的考虑, 意思上相当于be about to do, 但后者不能接时间状语;多用于表示位置移动的动词中,如:go,  come, arrive, leave, reach , start;

  I am going to hometown this afternoon.

  He is leaving.

  We are playing the piano at six.

  I am about to go out.

  Ⅴ Homework

  You have just started your senior high school.  You must have a lot of plans. Choose from the following and write about one of your plans:

  Your plan for the next three years.

  Your plan for the coming holiday.

  Your plan for the coming weekend.




