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高二英语教案:《Unit 3 Art and architecture》优秀教学设计(一)(2)

来源:网络整理 2018-11-21 09:12:12

  Step 3, Word Study

  T: Can you tell me which is the most ancient building in my yard? (nest)

  A nest is to a bird what a house to a man.

  Who can tell me the meaning of this sentence?


  T: Good. Let’s try another one

  Water is to fish what air is to men.


  T: Well done. These two sentences have something in common—they are using the same sentence pattern. What is it?

  →A is to B what C is to D

  T: Very good. Now I will show you more pictures, you should find out the relationship between these pictures, and create sentences using the above pattern.

  Fur is to a fox what the_____is to a banana.

  ____are to a house what words are to a text.

  An architect is to____________what a painter is to art.

  A___is to a boat what an engine is to a car.

  A____is to a fisherman what a gun is to a hunter.

  Arms are to the body what_______are to a tree.

  Step 4, Grammar

  T: I’m very glad that you like my new home. Our new school is far away from the downtown, so a new market is build near our school. I’ll guide you to the market to see what you can do there.

  show the Ss the picture and ask them to describe it.

  --What can you see in the market?

  --Let’s see what can we do here?

  Give examples:              I can have my hair cut here.

  I can have my bike mended.

  Ask the Ss to make similar sentences.

  T: in all these sentences we use a sentence pattern—“have something done”.

  Now let’s see the pairs of sentences, and compare A and B.

  A: I can have my bike mended

  B: I can have the car waiting for me.

  A: I found myself tied to a tree.

  B: I found myself walking in a forest.

  Watch more sentences on page 22.




