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您现在的位置:首页 > 高考资源网 > 高中教案 > 高二英语教案 > 高二英语教案:《Unit1 Making a difference 与众不同》优秀教学设计(二)







高二英语教案:《Unit1 Making a difference 与众不同》优秀教学设计(二)

来源:网络整理 2018-11-21 08:50:13

高二英语教案:《Unit1 Making a difference 与众不同》优秀教学设计(二)

  period 6  integrating skills & writing


  1. to revise the language points and grammar-the infinitive in this unit.

  2. to learn more about the characteristics of scientists

  3. to write a paragraph about a scientist.

  teaching procedures:

  t: yesterday we learned the grammar-the infinitive. we know that the infinitive can be used as the subject, object, adverbial and so on. now let's do some exercises to see if you have mastered them well enough. fill in the blanks, using the infinitive。(show the following on the screen)

  look at the screen.

  step 1  individual work

  1.the goal of stephen hawking’s research is to ____and to___is his greatest dream.

  2.the doctor thought he only had three more years to ________, which turned out ____.

  3.we took a taxi to ___.we hurried there ,only to ____.we were unhappy to___.

  4.he studied hard to _____.

  5.lunch is ready. let’s stop to _____.

  suggested answers:

  1.discover nature of the universe; get married

  2.live; be wrong

  3.catch the train; find the train had gone; miss the train

  4.pass the examination

  5.have lunch

  t: now let’s revise the useful expressions in this unit together.

  fill in the blanks with the right phrases in the box

  work on, be engaged to, go by, turn out, go on with, use up, dream of

  1.he __one day becoming a famous singer

  2.john __mary.

  3.two weeks slowly_____.

  4.his suggestion ____to be a good one.

  5.we ____ our money.

  6.for we can’t finish copying the essay today, we have to ____it tomorrow.

  7.tom ____a story-book.

  suggested answers:

  1.dreams of   2.is engaged to   3.went by   4.turned out

  5.have used up   6. go on with    7.is working on




