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高三英语教案:《Astronomy:the science of the stars》教学设计

来源:学科网 2018-11-13 15:45:32


  1.You’d better take something to read when you go to see the doctor________you have to wait.

  A.even if                      B.as if

  C.in case                      D.in order that

  2.While in university,we were offered a number of after school activities to________our social skills.

  A.create                      B.grow

  C.develop                      D.settle

  3.We can’t continue to pretend that the problem of homelessness doesn’t________in this city.

  A.exist                      B.live

  C.be                          D.survive

  4.________you’ve got a chance,you might as well make full use of it.[来源:Z|xx|k.Com]

  A.For                      B.Because

  C.Even though                  D.Now that

  5.—Can I look at the menu for a few more minutes before I decide?

  —Of course.________,sir.

  A.Make yourself at home          B.Enjoy yourself

  C.It doesn’t matter              D.Take your time

  6.Completely lost in the exciting________of the football match,Tom didn’t feel his pocket picked.

  A.scene                      B.view

  C.atmosphere                  D.sight

  7.(2007年天津卷)He didn’t make________clear when and where the meeting would be held.

  A.this                      B.that

  C.it                          D.these

  8.________he will offer us enough help doesn’t matter a lot to our success.

  A.If                          B.Whether

  C.Before                  D.How

  9.I’m planning to hold a party in the open air,but I can make no guarantees because it________the weather.

  A.links with                  B.depends on

  C.connects to                  D.decides on

  10.—I’m thinking of the test tomorrow;I’m afraid I can’t pass this time.

  —________!I’m sure you’ll make it.

  A.Go ahead                  B.Good luck

  C.No problem                  D.Cheer up

  11.Don’t talk about such a thing in the________of young children.

  A.appearance                  B.surface

  C.existence                  D.presence

  12.Ten years ago,the population of our village was________that of theirs.

  A.as twice large as              B.twice as large as

  C.twice as much as              D.as twice much as

  13.—Why does Mr Black look so sad this morning?

  —I hear that a fire________in his house and lots of valuable things were burned last night.

  A.broke into           B.broke up

  C.broke down                  D.broke out

  14.I intended to catch the early train,but I didn’t get up______.

  A.at a time                  B.at one time

  C.in time                      D.in no time

  15.The harm the modern farming methods have done________the countryside is considerable.

  A.on                          B.to

  C.at                          D.for



  It was Molly’s job to hand her father his brown paper lunch bag each morning before he headed off to work.

  One morning,in addition to his usual lunch bag,Molly handed him a second paper bag.This one was worn and held together with staples (书钉).

  “Why two bags?” her father asked.“The other is something else,” Molly answered.“What’s in it?”“Just some stuff (东西).Take it with you.”

  Not wanting to discuss the matter,he put both sacks into his briefcase,kissed Molly and rushed off.At midday he opened Molly’s bag and took out the contents:two hair ribbons (丝带),three small stones,a plastic dinosaur,a tiny sea shell,a small doll,and 13 pennies...The busy father smiled,finished eating,and swept the desk clean into the wastebasket,Molly’s stuff included.

  That evening,Molly ran up behind him as he read the paper.“Where’s my bag?”“What bag?”“The one I gave you this morning.”“I left it at the office,my dear.”“I forgot to put this note in it,” she said.“And,besides,Daddy,the things in the sack are the things I really like.I thought you might like to play with them.You didn’t lose the bag,did you,Daddy?”“Oh,no,” he said,lying.“I just forgot to bring it home.I’ll bring it tomorrow.”While Molly hugged her father’s neck,he unfolded the note that read,“I love you,Daddy.” Molly had given him her treasures—all that a 7-year-old held dear.

  Love was in a paper bag,and he missed it—not only missed it,but had thrown it in the wastebasket.So he went back to the office.Just ahead of the night janitor (看门人),he picked up the bag from the wastebasket.He put the treasures inside and carried it home carefully.The bag didn’t look so good,but the stuff was all there and that’s what counted.

  After dinner,he asked Molly to tell him about the stuff in the sack.It took a long time to tell.[来源:学#科#网Z#X#X#K]

  Everything had a story or a memory.

  “Sometimes I think of all the great times in this sweet life.” he thought.We should all remember that it’s not the destination that counts in life,but the journey.That journey with the people we love is all that really matters.It is such a simple truth but it is so easily forgotten.

  1.Why did Molly give her father a second bag?

  A.She didn’t want to keep the things in the Bag.

  B.She hoped those things would bring happiness to her father.

  C.She wanted to remind her father of the stories behind the things.

  D.She enjoyed playing with her father.

  2.How did Father deal with the bag after he opened it?

  A.He kept it in the drawer.

  B.He took it back home.

  C.He threw it into the wastebasket.

  D.He put it on his table.

  3.After Father heard what his daughter said,he felt________.

  A.regretful                  B.surprised

  C.sad                      D.satisfied

  4.Which of the following is the most suitable title of the passage?

  A.An Important Journey          B.Two Bags

  C.Father and Daughter           D.Love in a Paper Bag

  Stop wasting your time thinking of reasons for your failures and shortcomings.Instead,realize that the seeds of success were planted within you when you were born.Only you have the power to make those seeds grow.

  The seeds and the power to grow them are contained in the human mind.Success is a choice but not a chance.You can be a success if only you make the right choice.

  You cannot be successful without first developing yourself-esteem (自尊).Your level of self-esteem is always based on the degree of control that you are able to exercise over yourself,and thus over your life.People with low self-esteem do not believe that they have any power,or responsibility for their lives.They are leaves tossed (摇摆) by the winds of chance brought about with any sudden change in the weather.

  You can exercise control over your life only to the degree that you believe that you are responsible for whatever happens in your life.Failures think that everything happens by accident while successful people realize that they are responsible.

  Everything happens as a result of something.If we can identify the cause,we can control the effect.We are responsible for what we consciously choose to accept and believe.Thoughts and beliefs cause everything.Our attitudes and actions are a result of habits ingrained in us over a period of time.One generally rises to the level that one expects.We are responsible for setting our expectations.Our success depends upon our level of confidence.We are responsible for either reinforcing good habits or kicking bad habits and consciously replacing them with consistently practiced good habits.

  If you associate with positive-thinking people,you are definitely going to achieve success.On the contrary,the opposite happens.We are responsible for finding,planting,and nurturing (培育) the seeds that contain future victory,born from setbacks.

  In short,in all areas of your life,whether they are financial,physical,emotional,or spiritual,you are responsible.Once you recognize this,accept it,and firmly believe it,you are on the road to success.

  5.Losers would think that________.

  A.success is the result of hard work

  B.working hard will lead to success

  C.they fail only because of bad luck

  D.they don’t make efforts to succeed

  6.It can be inferred from Paragraph 5 that________.[来源:Zxxk.Com]

  A.whether we will succeed depends on our attitudes

  B.developing confidence is the key to future success

  C.thoughts and beliefs are the result of creative mind

  D.setting our expectations is essential before taking action

  7.The last paragraph serves as________.

  A.the proof of the author’s point

  B.the conclusion of the argument

  C.an introduction to another topic

  D.a comparison between two views[来源:学科网]

  8.Which is the best title of the text?

  A.Success is a choice                      B.The secrets of success

  C.Develop our confidence               D.How to achieve success



  1.C 由句意“看医生时最好带点东西读,以防需要等”可知应用in case。in order that为了,even if即使及as if好像,均与语境不符,故选C。

  2.C develop表示“发展”。句意为:大学期间我们有许多课外活动来发展我们的社交技能。

  3.A exist表示“存在”。句意为:我们不能继续假装在我们城市没有无家可归的人的问题。live in居住,survive存活,都不合题意

  4.D 考查连词的用法。句意为:既然你已获得了机会,就不防充分利用。for是并列连词,用来补充说明理由,不能放在句首。because语气最强,表直接原因。even though表示“即使”,不合句意。now that说明已成为事实的理由,常译为“既然”,相当于since。

  5.D 考查交际用语。句意为:——我能看一会儿菜单后再作决定吗?——当然可以,先生,你慢慢看。take one’s time表示“慢慢来,别着急”,根据句意应选D。

  6.C atmosphere表示“氛围、气氛”。句意为:由于完全沉醉在足球赛的令人兴奋的氛围中,汤姆全然不知有人掏他的口袋。其他选项无此意。

  7.C 句意为:他没说清楚会议将于何时、何地举行。依题干句式结构,make后缺形式宾语。四个选项中只有C项it能在句子中作形式主语或宾语。

  8.B whether连词“是否”,引导主语从句,不作成分,if不能引导主语从句。

  9.B 本题考查动词短语。link with联系着;depend on依赖;connect to连接;decide on决定。由题意不难推出答案为B。句意为:我计划举行一次露天聚会,但是我不敢保证,因为这要取决于天气。

  10.D 本题考查交际用语。go ahead用吧,拿吧,请吧,一般用于回答允许别人做某事;good luck祝你好运;no problem没问题,都与题意不符。cheer up用于鼓励别人,意为“加油,打起精神”。句意为:“我在想明天的考试,我很担心这次通过不了。”“打起精神,我相信你一定行的。”

  11.D 句意为:不要当着小孩子的面谈论这样的问题。appearance出现;surface表面;existence存在;in the presence of sb.当着某人的面。

  12.B 句意为:十年前我们村的人口是他们村的两倍。population往往与large或small搭配,且形容词比较级的结构之一为:倍数+as+形容词原级+as...。

  13.D 考查短语辨析。break out爆发。break into破门而入;break up分裂;break down损坏。

  14.C 考查短语辨析。in time及时。句意为:我本来打算赶早班的火车,但是我没能及时起床。

  15.B do harm to sb./sth.为固定短语,意为“对……有害”,且“the modern farming...countryside”为定语从句修饰harm。



  1.B 根据文章第五段可知,小女孩以为自己喜欢的那些东西,父亲一定也喜欢,并会给他带来快乐。

  2.C 根据第四段最后一句可知,父亲将女儿的东西丢进了废纸篓。

  3.A 由第六段可知,父亲很后悔自己轻率的行为。

  4.D 小女孩将自己心爱的东西装在纸袋里,希望它能给父亲带来快乐,其实她是将自己对父亲的爱装在纸袋里面了。

  5.C 推理判断题。根据文章的第四段可知,失败者总是认为事情的发生都是偶然的,因此他们会把自己的失败归因于时运不济。

  6.A 推理判断题。第五段讲述成功的秘诀:人们的思想和信念决定一切。走向成功需要对自己充满期望和自信。

  7.B 最后一段开头的短语In short暗示本段为文章的结论部分。

  8.A 主旨大意题。本文围绕一个中心来写“成功是你我的选择”。





