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您现在的位置:首页 > 高考资源网 > 高中试卷 > 高三英语练习题 > 每周一练:一般将来时(2)


来源:智康1对1 2015-03-16 20:00:59


  1. 观察下列例句,将序号填入对应用法之后的空白栏中

  ① If you are going to do it, you had better do it well.

  ② If you will wait here, the manager will be back 10 minutes later.

  ③ We are to finish the work before five this afternoon.

  ④ He will be thirty years old next year.

  ⑤ No one is to leave the cinema without the police's permission

  ⑥ The train is about to start.

  ⑦ Look at the clouds, there is going to be a storm.

  ⑧ Will we clone a dinosaur?

  ⑨ You forgot to turn off the light!-Really, I will go and turn it off.

  2. 单项选择

  1. Mr. Black ______Shanghai in a few days. Do you know when the earliest plane _____ on Sunday?

  A. leaves; takes off

  B. is leaving; takes off

  C. is leaving; is taking off

  D. leaves; is taking off

  2. --- Do you have any plans for this Sunday?

  --- Yes. I ____ my cousin who has just returned from America.

  A. visit

  B. am visiting

  C. would visit

  D. was visiting

  3. He looks excited because his parents ___________to her birthday party this weekend .

  A. come

  B. have come

  C. are coming

  D. could come

  4. --- Look at that beautiful sky!

  --- It looks like it        a wonderful day.

  A. was

  B. will be

  C. is going to be

  D. would be

  5. Donny helped us get the tickets. We __________to Guangzhou next Wednesday.

  A. flew

  B. fly

  C. are flying

  D. will have flown

  6. --- How can I apply for an online course?

  --- Just fill out this form and we _____ what we can do for you.

  A. see

  B. are seeing

  C. have seen

  D. will see

  7. My computer needs to be repaired.How much do you think it          ?

  A. would cost

  B. cost

  C. will cost

  D. has cost

  8. Click OK, and you _____ a blank form named Form 1.

  A. see

  B. have seen

  C. are seeing

  D. will see

  9. --- Have you told Mr. Smith about the meeting?

  --- Not yet. I ______ him in a minute.

  A. called

  B. call

  C. will call

  D. have called

  10. --- Do you have any plan for this Sunday?

  --- Yes, I ______ shopping with my friends.

  A. go

  B. am going

  C. went

  D. have gone

  3. 翻译练习

  ① 你毕业之后想要干什么。

  答案:What are you going to do when you leave school?

  ② 他们明晚出发去上海。

  答案:They are leaving for Shanghai by train tomorrow evening.

  ③ 我知道考入这所学校并非易事,但我会全力以赴不让他们失望。

  答案:I know it is hard to be accepted by this school, but I promise I will go all out to live up to their expectations.

  ④ 这个比赛不但帮助我提升了我的英语同时增强了我的自信心。与此同时,它也激励我在今后的生活中面对更多的挑战。

  答案:The contest not only helped me improve my English but also built up my confidence. It will surely inspire me to face up to more challenges in my life. 情景作文升华句

  ⑤ 这次短途旅行开阔了我的眼界以及我的思维。它将永存在我的记忆中。

  答案:The short trip really broadened my horizon and enlightened my mind. It will be forever cherished in my memory. 情景作文升华句




