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您现在的位置:首页 > 高考资源网 > 高中试卷 > 高三英语练习题 > 2011年最新英语书面表达模板8应聘范文


来源:新浪博客 2011-05-24 15:34:26

  Dear Sir or Madam:

  I'm writing to apply for the job as a\an  part-time reporter  , which I saw advertised in the   English Weekly   . I'm interested becoming a\an  part-time reporter  very much. I enclose a copy of my CV.

  I'm a girl\boy of   19  years old and I'm in my second year of senior high school. I work hard and do well in English, especially in writing and speaking. Besides, I'm good at typing and computer. What's more, I also know something about photography, which is helpful to my job.

  I have been a\an  part-time reporter  of our school newspaper for 3 years, which gives me great fun and benefit. On one hand, it can broaden my knowledge and help me know more about the society. On the other hand, it helps practise using English and improve my comunication skills. In addition, I can also make some money to support myself.

  I would appreciate it if you could possibly consider my application. I look forward to your promt reply.

  Yours sincerely,





