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您现在的位置:首页 > 高考资源网 > 高中试卷 > 高三英语练习题 > 高考英语语法题15分钟限时模拟训练3


来源:中学学科网 2010-10-09 13:02:11

[标签:高考 英语 语法]


  1. --What are you doing this weekend?
     --I haven't decided yet. ____________?
  --Well, I thought we could have another family party.
  A. What        B. All right      C. Why      D. Pardon

  2. After her son gave his life for the country, Sally was well provided____________.
  A. with         B. for         C. on         D. /

  3. What he has done is far from___________.
    A. satisfactory                B. satisfied
    C. satisfaction                D. satisfy

  4. The fire started in the basement and quickly____________ to the first floor where it destroyed all the______________ in the language lab.
  A. was spreaded;furniture and equipments
  B. was spreaded ;furniture and equipment
  C. spread;furnitures and equipments
  D. spread ;furniture and equipment

  5. My pain ___________ obvious the moment I walked into the room, for the first man I met  asked me pitifully:" Are you feeling all right?"
  A. must be                       B. must have been     
  C. could be                      D. could have been

  6. I just don't understand_____________ that prevents so many Americans from being as happy as one might expect.
  A. why it does                  B. what it does    
  C. what it is                   D. why it is

  7. --Can I help you?
  --I'd like to buy a present for my father's birthday, ___________ at a proper price but of great use.
  A. one            B. anyone       C. that       D. everything

  8. The visiting Minister expressed his satisfaction with his talk,__________ that he had enjoyed his stay here.
  A. having added    B. to add      C. adding      D. added

  9. I've visited a lot of different places and stayed in lots of different hotels, but none of them____________ this one.
  A. makes            B. beats       C. compares     D. matches

  10. ___________ you've got a chance, you might as well make full use of it.
  A. Now that       B. After       C. Although    D. As soon as

  11. I told him what I was surprised____________  his attitude towards his study.
  A. is              B. was         C. at is      D. at was

  12. What he lacks is more patience,___________?
  A. isn't it        B. is it       C. doesn't he  D. does he

  13. These students are quick at learning. We'll have them __________ with new methods.
  A. training                       B. to train     
  C. to be trained                  D. trained

  14. This coat will lose its color ___________ it's washed.
  A. as       B. after              C. until        D. while

  15. They gave us so warm a welcome that we were moved very much. It was a sight__________ we__________.
  A. what;have never forgotten          B. which; wre never forgotten
  C. as ;will never forget             D. that; would never forget

  16. Mr. White, who___________ moved to the south of France, still lives in London.
  A. think to have                      B. think had
  C. though have                        D. thought had

  17. -I am feeling cold.
  -Yes, ____________ books are stolen.
  A. become warm      B. more           C. some         D. none

  19. It's clear__________ that a hard working student has___________ a great interest in science.
  A. 不填; discovered                  B. 不填; developed
  C. that; invented                    D. that; developed

  20. Nobody believes him ____________ what he said.
  A. even enough     B. in spite of    C. no matter    D. contrary to

  21. I hope there are enough glasses for each guest to have___________.
  A. one             B. 不填          C. them        D. to

  22. Even on holidays, he preferred doing something
  A. without         B. than         C. rather than   D. Caught

  24. --Do you mind if I smoke here?
  A. Having caught   B. Be caught    C. Being caught    D. Caught

  A. Sure. Go ahead     B. No. Go ahead     C. Yes. Please
  25. There was less food for birds and also for the Prairie dog, an      holes in the ground.
  A. livs         B. is living       C. living       D. lived

  26. Mary is short__________ her brother is very tall.
  A. still        B. nor             C. while         D. when

  27. Mr. Alcott, headmaster of the school, refused to accept made by the Students' Union.
  A. either       B. neither          C. any          D. none

  28. Mary is one of the brightest students who_________ from New York University.
  A. is graduated                      B. have graduated     
  C. has graduated                     D. are graduated

  29. I was really too busy with my homework and I couldn't help ____________ housework.
  A. doing        B. do               C. did          D. done  

  30. He must have attended the meeting yesterday,___________  he?
  A. didn't       B. mustn't          C. needn't      D. hasn't





