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来源:高考网 2010-08-04 11:30:45

[标签:高三 试题 英语]


  第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)

  1.When will the speakers play tennis?
  A.On April 16th.     B.On April 15th.     C.On April 6th.
  2.What does the man mean?
  A.He prefers coffee to tea.
  B.He likes having tea in the morning.
  C.He doesn't usually have breakfast.
  3.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
  A.Teacher and student.    B.Doctor and patient.     C.Mother and son
  4.What are the speakers mainly talking about?
  A.The girl's test scores.
  B.The girl's friend.
  C.The girl's school life.
  5.What is the woman going to do on her birthday?
  A.Have a party.    B.Attend a concert.    C.Go to the cinema.

  第二节 (共15小题;每题1.5分,满分22.5分)
  6.Why did the man fail to make much money at his first job?
  A.He was a little shy.     B.He was too honest.      C.He wasn't very clever.
  7.What does the man probably do?
  A.An actor.     B.A writer.      C.A TV host.
  8.Where will the man probably stay?
  A.By the sea.    B.At a city centre.     C.In the mountains.
  9.What does the woman think the man should try?
  A.The wine.     B.The beer.     C.The cakes.
  10.What advice does the woman give to the man?
  A.Drink boiled water.    B.Drink bottled water.     C.Take water with him.
  11.What is the man's problem?
  A.He can't join a band.
  B.He can't make ends meet.
  C.He can't find a satisfying job
  12.What is the man?
  A.A student.    B.A worker.      C.A singer.
  13.How does the man feel in the end?
  A.Shamed.    B.Embarrassed.    C.Impatient.
  14.Why hasn't the woman slept well recently?
  A.There is a hole in the roof.
  B.There is a bat in her house.
  C.There are some insects in her house.
  15.How do most bats get into the house according to the man?
  A.Through the door.
  B.Through the window.
  C.Through the holes under the roof.
  16.What does the man say about some bats in Asia?
  A.They are very big.
  B.They can't fly fast.
  C.They are all blind.
  17.What can a member of the Blockbuster Club enjoy?
  A.Free drinks.    B.Some free snacks.      C.Discounts to tickets.
  18.How often can a member get the Blockbuster Club magazine?
  A.Once a week.     B.Once a month.      C.Once a season.
  19.What is in the Blockbuster Club magazine?
  A.Activities of club members.
  B.Interviews with local fans.
  C.Information on new films.
  20.What should one do to join the club?
  A.Ask for an application form.
  B.Buy 6-month membership first.
  C.Call the hotline before Sept.15.



