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您现在的位置:首页 > 高考资源网 > 高中试卷 > 高三英语期中试题 > 2010届广东梅县东山中学高三(上)期中考试英语试题


来源:高考网整理 2009-11-26 09:58:07

  Ⅱ 语言知识及应用(共两节,满分35分)

  第一节  完形填空(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)


  Nowadays, it's popular to go shopping online. E-shopping is a kind of online  21   behavior, and consumers' shopping occupies most. For most of e-shopping, commodities(商品) will be   22  online, purchase orders will be signed and commodities will be   23  to customers' doorsteps, so the cost is low, the e-shopping is  24  and fast, and consumers will save the time of looking around   25  . As there is no need to rent storefronts for online shops, the operating cost and the price of commodities are  26  low, which enables purchasers to enjoy  27  . In large cities with a relatively high Internet penetration rate(普及率), e-shopping is more and more favored by people and becomes a fashionable   28  style quickly.

  According to related statistics, by the end of December 2008, the proportion of citizens' online shopping in China is 24.2 percent, and the purchaser  29  achieves 47.5 million. And the online shopping proportion of such citizens with Master degree or   30   has reached 57.6 percent. The scale of e-shopping market is RMB56.1 billion yuan with growth rate of 117.4 percent yearly. This indicates that the penetration of Internet drives a rapid growth of e-shopping.

  21. A. developing    B. searching        C. purchasing      D. exchanging

  22. A. made         B. chosen        C. listed          D. designed

  23. A. delivered    B. discovered     C. traded          D. moved

  24. A. possible      B. necessary      C. important     D. convenient

  25. A. Internet      B. stations       C. buildings        D. marketplaces

  26. A. almost      B. relatively        C. originally       D. separately

  27. A. benefits      B. rights            C. pleasures     D. cares

  28. A. society      B. status          C. life           D. means

  29. A. numbers     B. population    C. money         D. profit

  30. A. above      B. below       C. about       D. across





