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您现在的位置:首页 > 高考资源网 > 高中试卷 > 高二英语练习题 > 09年贵州兴义市清华实验学校高二(上)月考英语试卷


来源:高考网整理 2009-11-12 14:36:08

  一. 多项选择(共35小题;第小题1分,满分35分)


  1. The King of Stonehenge came with the skills to make metal, and that would have given him ________ high status in ________ eyes of local people.

  A. a; the      B. the; the      C. /; /        D. /; the

  2. "Where         you put the ruler? I can't see it anywhere."

  "I put it right here. But now it is         "

  A. have, gone              B. did, missed

  C. had ,going              D. will, missing

  3. The ________ look on the boy's face suggested he was ________ at the _______ news.

  A. frightening; frightened; frightened    B. frightened; frightening; frightening

  C. frightening; frightened; frightening    D. frightened; frightened; frightening

  4. Peter is different ______ his brothers and sisters ________ many ways.

  A  to; in     B with; from   C from;  with     D from;  in

  5. The table ____ too much room. Let's move it out of the sitting room.

  A. takes on    B. takes up     C. takes over      D. takes out

  6. She loves the song      , because her mother was once the singer of it.

  A. in practice     B. in theory     C. in particular     D. in reality

  7. The Air China      schools in the western part of China quantities of books.

  A. provided    B. supplied     C. offered      D. supported

  8. - Oh, my God. I forgot my purse in the shop.

  - Oh, not again. Why ____ you always ______ something?

  A. do; leave    B. did; leave     C. are; leaving     D. have; left

  9. I don't care other people's opinion about her. I admire her. _______, she is a great writer.

  A. In all         B. After all  C. In other words    D. at all

  10. As a child, Johnson would sit on the steps alone, _______ the sun ______ down.

  A. watched; going                 B. watching; went

  C. watching; go                   D. watched; went





