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您现在的位置:首页 > 高考资源网 > 高中试卷 > 高一英语练习题 > 09年贵州省兴仁一中高一9月月考英语试题


来源:高考网整理 2009-11-12 11:20:35


  第一节  单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


  21. The date for the conference we had been looking forward to ____at last.

  A. coming   B. comes   C. has come   D. came

  22. With so much homework _____, Tom   has to stay at home.

  A. to do   B. to be done   C. done   D. doing

  23. Which   is the best way you suggest_____ the problem?

  A. working out   B.  work out  C. to work out  D. having worked out

  24. Who else except a millionaire in the world would ____ to use such an expensive car?

  A. pay   B. buy   C. spend   D. afford

  25. After the war, a new school building was ____ in the place where there had once been a theatre.

  A. put away   B. put off   C. put up   D. put out

  26. ---- Your daughter looks shy.

  ----After all, this is the first time that she ____ a speech to the public.

  A. made   B. has made   C. is making   D. makes

  27. --- The film will begin at seven clock. We'll meet at half past six. Is that OK?

  --- ____. I'll pick you up at half past six in your home.

  A. That's settled.  B. It's up to you. C. Not at all   D. Oh, I see.

  28. ____ winter ___, it's time to buy warm cloths.

  A. With, to come    B. With, coming      C. As, coming      D. As, to come.

  29. --- What do you think of this speech?

  ---- Very good. I was deeply impressed____ it.

  A. for   B. upon   C. in   D. with

  30. When you compare this case with that one, you may find this one is ____ that one.

  A. three times large than  B. three times larger than

  C. three times larger as    D. three times larger than

  31. It's getting dark and the unexpected heavy rain _____ the sadness____ the poor girl.

  A. added, up   B. added, to   C. added, in   D. added , on

  32. WHO is short ____ the World Health Organization.

  A. of   B. for   C. to   D. with

  33. ---- I hear Jane has gone to the Holy Island for her holiday.

  ---- Oh, how nice! Do you know when she ____?

  A. was leaving  B. had left  C. has left  D. left

  34. My brother is an actor. He ____ in several films so far.

  A. appears   B. appeared  C. has appeared  D. is appearing

  35. ---Let me tell you something about the famous scientist.

  ----Didn't you remember ____me the story yesterday?

  A. told   B. telling   C. to tell   D. to have told.





