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您现在的位置:首页 > 高考资源网 > 高中试卷 > 高一英语练习题 > 高一英语语法试题精选四(含答案)


来源:高考网 2009-10-29 15:04:23


  81.   – What do you think of my English, sir?

  ---Well, it’s getting better, but there’s still plenty of ____ for improvement.

  A. space   B. area   C. place   D. room

  82.   –Shall Tom go and play football?

  --- Not ________ he has finished his homework.

  A. when  B. if   C. unless    D. once

  83.   – Excuse me, could I use your ruler for a few minutes, please?

  --- Sure. _____.

  A. You use it by yourself        B. Help yourself

  C. Take it easy                  D. Don’t be polite

  84.   – It isn’t very nice.

  --- Oh, dear. I _____ you _____ it.

  A. think; like             B. thought; would like

  C. have thought; liked     D. think; will like

  85.   –  It’s been a long time. ______?

  --- Much better since I spoke to you last.

  A. How are you               B. How do you do

  C. How’s everything going   D. How have you been


  86.   Do let your mother know all the truth. She appears _____ everything.

  A. to tell    B. to be told   C. to be telling  D. to have been told

  87.   We don’t want to buy a piano, for it ______ so _______.

  A. takes up; many rooms       B. takes for; big a room

  C. takes in; a large room     D. takes up; much room

  88.   _____ all London tzxis were black, but now you sometimes see other color.

  A. At one time   B. At a time   C. From time to time  D. At the same time

  89.   If the work _____ by the end of the month is delayed, the sports meet will have to be put off.

  A. to be completed          B. will be completed

  C. has been completed       D. completed

  90.   – Will miss Wang attend our meeting tomorrow?

  --- It will no be _______ so.

  A. commonly   B. necessarily  C. usually   D. e







