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您现在的位置:首页 > 高考资源网 > 高中试卷 > 高二英语期末 > 2009年新人教版高二英语期末考试


来源:本站原创 2009-10-07 03:26:23


  第一部分 英语知识运用


  1. Her grandfather looks much _____after a good night's rest.

  A live    B lively   C living   D alive

  2.______you come here last night, you would have met him.

  A  Would   B Should   C Could    D Had

  3.  If you hadn't______in the match you_____it.

  A  taken it easy; would have won  B  taken it easily; would have won

  C  taken it seriously; would win   D  taken it serious; wouldn't have won

  4. The day we had been looking forward____ at last.

  A  to come B to came  C to coming  D to be coming

  5. --This is the first time I ____ pictures with my own camera.

  --It's time that you ___ a picture of me.

  A  took ; took  B took ; will take  C have taken; took  D will take; have taken

  6. The brave soldier was will to risk ____ his life rather than ___himself up to the enemy.

  A lose ;give  B losing ; giving  C lose; giving  D losing; give

  7. _____other good students, the teacher thinks Hank is _____student.

  A  Compared with ; a more satisfying  B Compared with; the most satisfied

  C  Comparing to; the more satisfying  D Compared to ; a most satisfied

  8. Was it in 1969 ____ the American astronaut succeeded ____ landing on the moon?

  A  when ; on  B  that; on  C  that; in  D when; in





