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您现在的位置:首页 > 高考资源网 > 高中试卷 > 高二英语练习题 > 2009年新人教版高二英语(下)Unit 11-12单元测试

2009年新人教版高二英语(下)Unit 11-12单元测试

来源:本站原创 2009-10-07 03:09:03

  高二英语(下)Unit 11-12单元测试

  第Ⅰ卷 (选择题,共100分)


  第一节: 单项填空(共20小题; 每小题1分, 满分30分)


  1. A new cure for the disease is____ to be discovered.

  A. like             B. likely           C. possible          D. probable

  2. Do you agree to the plan ____ at the meeting?

  A. to put forward    B. to put away      C. put forward        D. put up

  3. - I'm not quite sure which way is correct. Maybe we're lost.

  - Oh, no! ____ !

  A. What luck      B. How lucky       C. What a pity        D. How sorry

  4. It is human beings who should be responsible ____ the harm done ____ nature.

  A. to; to           B. for; to           C. for; at             D. at; to

  5. He was ____ by new hope.

  A. come to life      B. come true        C. rejuvenated        D. boomed

  6. It was midnight ____ my mother came back from work.

  A. when           B. while            C. before            D. that

  7. Don't forget to take the ____ with you.

  A. luggages       B. baggages         C. two pieces of luggage   D. two luggages

  8. He urged the fact that he ____ young.

  A. is              B. was             C. be                 D. were

  9. The heavy rain is so troublesome. ____ it would stop!

  A. Only if          B. Even if          C. Ever since          D. If only

  10. -Hi, Jane. I enjoyed myself so much at your birthday party last night .

  -     .

  A.Oh , that's kind of you  B.Congratulations

  C.It's my pleasure                    D.Oh, I'm glad to hear that

  11. The door opened and in ____ .





