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您现在的位置:首页 > 高考资源网 > 高中教案 > 高二英语教案 > 高二英语教案:《Unit 4 Newspapers》教学设计(一)







高二英语教案:《Unit 4 Newspapers》教学设计(一)

来源:网络整理 2018-11-20 16:19:45

高二英语教案:《Unit 4 Newspapers》教学设计(一)

  Teaching Aims and Demands

  1.Practise making appointments in pairs.

  2. Study the language items in this lesson.

  Teaching Procedures

  Step 1 Revision

  Check the homework exercises.

  Step 2 Lead-in

  1.Ask the students some questions as warm-up exercises.

  1) Do you often read newspapers?

  2) What kind of newspaper do you want to read?

  3) What do you usually read them for?

  4) What’s on television to night?

  5) What’s on at the cinemas in downtown?

  6) What films have you seen recently?

  7) Are you free this weekend?

  8) And what are you going to do for the weekend?

  2. Show the Ss a copy of China Daily. Tell them there many columns in the paper like News about China, International News, Business News, Travel, Sports, Entertainment, Advertisements, Weather Reports, etc. Ask them which columns they are interested in, and the reason.

  Step 3 Dialogue

  Ask the students to listen to the tap and answer some questions.

  The first listening. Question:

  What do Zhou Lan and Betty decide to do this weekend?

  (go to a performance by the “ Red Roses”)

  The second listening. Questions:

  1) Where are the “ Red Roses” performing? ( At the people’s Theatre.)’

  2) What does the performance start? ( At 7p. M this weekend)

  3) What time do Betty and Zhou Lan plan to meet? ( At sixty-thirty.)

  Ask the students to pay attention to how Betty makes an invitation and how Zhou Lan accepts the invitation.

  Betty: Will you be free?

  Zhou Lan: Yes, I’ll be free. I’d like to go.




